6 Ways To Enhance Your Lashes With Us

There are so many ways to celebrate your lashes with us – lets get you prepared for National Lash Day (everyday)!

Lash Extension Services

What’s the difference?

  1. Classic Extensions

Natural looking extensions where one lash extension is placed per natural lash. The lashes will be as full as the client’s natural lashes, but extends the length and curl. Leaving you with an enhanced mascara look!

Lashes by Amber

2. Hybrid Extensions

A mix between our classic and volume extensions. Single lashes placed on some individual lashes but also clusters of 3-4 lashes placed on individual lashes to add more volume!

Lashes by Amber

3. Volume Extensions

Volume lashes provide a fuller, fluffier, more dramatic look for the lashes. Large fans of lashes (2-5 extensions) are placed on each individual lash.

Lashes by Amber

4. Mega Volume Extensions

Similar to Volume extensions, to create this super full and glamorous look even larger fans (6-16 extensions) are used on each individual lash.

(Photo from Sugar Lash Pro)

Don’t want extensions? We offer alternatives!

Natural Lash Services

5. Lash Lift: Mimics the effects of eyelash curler but, is more permanent. Think of it as a perm for your lashes!

6. Lash Tint: Intensifies your natural lashes by darkening them with semi-permanent dye and adding definition to the eye. Think of it as getting your roots touched up!

Lash Lift & Tint: Combine both services for a natural lash transformation!

Pro Tip: Use the Babe Lash Essential Serum (Below) to grow your lashes before this service to see even more dramatic results!

Grow your Lashes

Babe Lash Essential Serum: Apply serum to the top of your lash line everyday while transitioning to 2 or 3 times a week. Resulting in healthier, longer, and thicker lashes! (Bonus: you can use this on your Brows too!)


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